These seem to be caused by a an invalid boot param, removing it seems to fix it. We do not recommend using Ventoy at the moment as users are currently experiencing boot issues. Select Drive: "Letter/Name of your USB stick" if not already selected.Click and open previously downloaded *.iso file.Select Drive: '/dev/sdX' if not already selected.

Select Type: 'USB Drive' is not already selected.Run unetbootin with environment variable to avoid UI bug.Unplug and replug the USB stick to have OpenSUSE automount /dev/sdc1.$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdc1 ( build the filesystem of the newly created partition ) set 1 boot on ( make the new partition bootable ).mkpart primary ext4 1 -1 ( fill entire USB drive with ext4 partition ).mklabel gpt ( to wipe device and make it GPT ).

select /dev/sdc ( if your usb stick is /dev/sdc ).Wipe out the partition table of your USB stick to avoid issues with existing contents.Figure out which drive is your USB stick you wish to overwrite.You will see a simple application window. Download Universal USB Installer (GPLv2).In this case, use UNetbootin for Windows as described below. Note: Universal USB Installer only supports ISO files up to a maximum size of 4 GiB, which can be exceeded by some openSUSE DVD images. It takes several minutes or longer, depending on image size and hardware performance.